
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween energy

For a number of years now I have had the recurring thought about the energy of Halloween.  I know it can be a fun, dress up like somebody you're not or somebody or some thing you would "like" to be, a gathering of treats for the sugar addicts of all ages, and a chance to scare or be scared.  This adoration and emulation of the energy of zombies, vampires, murderers, and vengeful creatures is just for fun, right?  Cute little goblins and witches and fairy tale princesses and dragon slayers and cartoon characters... nothing wrong with that, right? Dressing yourself or your child like a demon, a devil, a vampire, a werewolf, a machete wielding murderer or death row inmate....harmless!  All in fun, right?'s where I part company with many.  I mean especially those of us who say we are healers...lightworkers...proclaimers of promoting higher energies and a better world of peace and love and health.

If you really are that, and you really do want to do your part in making the world a better place, then why would you participate in such activities, even under the guise of "fun?"  There is so much goodness and beauty in the month of October or any month for that matter, so why expend energy promulgating the dark side?  Why make it seem okay and fun to partake of energy that is very far removed from the Light?  Why engage in any activity that celebrates fear and evil?

I am asking you to think about it.  There are ways to indulge in Halloween that don't have to glorify murder, killings, demonic activity, fear and horror.  And while I'm on the soapbox, if you're into healthy living, why would you pass out sugar-laden treats let alone eat them yourself?  Integrity.  Authenticity.  *sigh* Yes, it's possible even at Halloween.  And, yes...we can agree to disagree.


  1. Under the Confession is Good for the Soul category, I add this:
    I was tempted the other night at a gathering to eat a mini peanut butter cup, so I did. I had not had one in a very long time. I always loved peanut butter and chocolate, especially dark chocolate cake with pb icing. Imagine my surprise when the treat did not taste good to me. It wasn't that the candy had changed. The change was within me. ;)

    1. I cannot agree with you more on the subject of Halloween. I remember as a child loving to get dressed up and go around the neighborhood (they were the days when everybody knew you). We'd knock on doors, be invited in and the people would try to guess who we were. We would get all kinds of treats, not just wrapped candy, but home made cupcakes and cookies and fruit. (Also, they were the days when people were trusted not to put horrible things in the food they handed out.) It was fun. The scariest costumes I remember were the ghost costumes which consisted of a sheet thrown over your body with holes cut out for your eyes.
      Now I hate Halloween. All the TV shows start having creepy shows on the beginning of October. Everything is zombies, hideous monsters etc. Even the cooking shows have the goriest looking food, that make me want to barf just looking at it. Sorry I do not find that entertaining. What are we teaching our little kids today. That it's fun to be scared and scary? What happened to the fun and fantasy? I guess I'm old fashioned, but I don't care. So yes, I agree with you 100%, as usual, we're on the same page - you just said it better.
