
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday Sermon

I have been reading and hearing a fair amount of talk about illusion lately.  More specifically, how all that is and all that we are and all that we think this world is, is really an illusion.  This is not a new concept to me.  As soon as we start delving into trying to understand the mystery of life we are going to come across the teachings of the Masters who speak of the grand illusion, and all the lesser ones as well.  

I participated in a group meditation recently where we were guided to let go of third dimensional thinking, behaviors, perceptions, patterns, habits.   It was not the first such group journey for me.  I give them myself with the use of sound frequencies through a variety of instruments including my voice.  I enjoy and appreciate being able to simply partake and grow without being the leader of one. We were encouraged to move into being more love, more of who we as individuals are, to not "give away our power," and help bring the fifth dimension into reality in our own lives.  This would also serve to bring that reality more fully into the world.  To bring more love, grace, forgiveness, peace and health into this world surely is the highest calling we have. God Is Love. We must bring it to ourselves consistently or we can't bring it to anyone else.  I think this is exactly what Christ meant when he said to Love Others as You Love Yourself.  We cannot love others until we understand healthy self love.  The New Heaven and the New Earth are being birthed.  It is an exciting time to be here on Earth. (Illusion or not :) )

Many years ago I went to churches that preached Jesus first, Others second, and You(self) last.  That is actually kind of backwards when you understand the full meaning of the words of Christ.  When invited, The Christ Consciousness (or Buddha or Krishna or Jehovah or Allah or G-d or....) permeates our soul with sacred (healthy) self-love.  It is not a self-serving, fearful, insecure, insensitive, self-impressed love with a doctrine of me-itis and hatred. Two blatant symptoms of me-itis are the over-riding need to be right about your particular viewpoint or interpretation, and making mini-gods of certain theologians and gurus throughout history who have convinced you their interpretation is the "correct" one.  Never the less, could we not all at least respect one another's views? Especially views that encourage us to love one another, to forgive, to heal ourselves and one another, to make the world a better place.  I learn from them all.  I love that quote, "promote what you love instead of bashing what you don't(love or like or agree with...)." Besides, if we were motivated to win people over, kindness, love, mercy, compassion would attract me. Fear, cruelty, sarcasm, self-righteousness and anger would drive me away.  In fact, it did.

As I have studied a few other "religions" and dogma, I cannot subscribe to any of them 100% either as they continue to insist their way is the Only Way or the Best Way. I recently read an article relating that as long as you think you are better than someone else because of your "enlightenment" in any one area(spirituality, environmental, dietary, etc.), you are guilty of spiritual egoism.  As soon as we say we are "more evolved" or "more enlightened," than any other one belief or state of being, we are guilty of the ego dominating the soul, are we not?  Please know that I realize there is a difference between healthy functioning ego and narcisstic, selfish ego.  And I know there is a fine line between observation and judgment.  And the longer I live, the more I realize I don't know very much at all.  I knew so much more when I was younger. (please laugh at that tongue in cheek illusion!!) When you have found what works for you, it is beautiful that it works for you...or you work for it.  We each find our own way (or not). We each have free will and choice. We learn from the darkness and the suffering as much as we learn from the light and bliss (or not).  But what do I know? I know that I Am. 

For most of us there is the ongoing battle of varying degrees within that we must balance to become the peace we want for the world, to become the love and joy and healing we wish for others. If we don't have it internally, it cannot manifest externally.  Most of us presently still live and are very much entrenched in this third dimension.  However, the earth and her inhabitants are moving into the fifth dimension. Some of us now accept this only because science and modern technology have been able to "prove" this.  Blessed are those who have believed and yet not seen. :)   When we choose to let go of the old ways of thinking and behaving, and choose to practice and live with more love, forgiveness and respect, we are doing the most powerful thing we can, not only for ourselves but for everyone.  We have heard so many times, "you cannot fix anyone but yourself."  Yet many of us still try.  To fix others. I like what Christ said when he reminded his disciples to take the log out of their own eye first. I remember thinking that perhaps the log is so huge it has blinded some of us. Or maybe the log is an illusion, too. :) Isaiah wrote that God will make a way when there seems to be no way.  He is making a way, folks, right before our eyes! Separating the wheat from the chaff. 

Now I have come back to the illusion.  I like what Thich Nhat Hanh said, too, when he reminded us that we are here to realize the illusion that we are not separate, we are One.  Like Jesus prayed in the Garden at Gethsemane....that we would all be One.  Like Ram Dass said so beautifully, "We are all just walking each other home."  Being one doesn't mean being all the same. We are all wonderfully diverse.  We are created in God's image...all the richness, love, wisdom, peace and diversity. All the unique and specific frequencies of energy that make us individuals.  All on as many paths as there are souls. And that many illusions, if you will.  Most importantly, All on our journey home.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I often hear the words of a colleague a few years ago strongly admonishing me to be more of who I am and less of what I see and hear and read from others. "Stop parroting what you have heard someone else say. Just because they put themselves out there like some authority doesn't mean they're right or have the whole answer!  Be You! You've done this work a long time and have so much more to offer than only someone else's words."

At the time it really struck a note with me.  I mean literally it struck a note because we were all talking and teaching about Sound Healing.  I felt a twinge of Ouch when he said it, but the greater revelation was in my knowing he was right, and that I needed to hear that.  I can't thank him enough because that phrase, "Stop Parroting..." has come to mind most times when I want to just share or post a status on facebook, or update my sound therapy manuals for the students, or revise a workshop talk, or even just in casual conversation when I am tempted to quote someone else so as to give my own experience validity...or so I think.

I have found that I now pass that on and try to encourage others.  Now this has resulted at times in great frustration. Many people still aren't plugging into more of their authentic selves based on some of the posts I see on facebook....there is still waaay too much sharing of someone else's words in order to express or validate their own views, feelings or situations.  A little of that goes a long way.  Especially when ten or twenty of my facebook friends share the exact same post of which I have already received myself from the original poster. Oh I know about changing the settings, but then I would miss the original posts or comments in my regular newsfeed.  And I can't spend as much time on facebook as I used to.... Too many wonderful new opportunities have come into my life and there is not one minute to waste. (as if there ever was, silly me)

Why are we afraid to be more of ourselves?  Why are you hesitant?  Is it being vulnerable that is so scary? Is it lack of self confidence, low self-esteem?  Is it just laziness or lack of motivation to write your own words, to be original, creative, put yourself out there?  Do you fear rejection?  Disagreement? Judgment?  If we let others define us, we are held captive in that box called What Will People Think? Believe me, some of those reasons were/are my own. Some people are going to judge us, criticize us, find the faults anyway. Follow your heart, and let the judges and critics suck their perfect little thumbs.  Really. Yes, I did say that.

Okay, so yes it is being vulnerable.  And maybe you won't use all the right grammar or syntax, and it won't flow or be on pretty framed pictures(facebook postcards), or maybe we'll overdose on too many exclamation points!!!!!!!!! but when you do say something that causes people to respond to the real you, to your heart, to your authenticity, it is so much more rewarding.  And it is inspiring. Those who occasionally write their own inspirational thoughts are giving the rest of us a huge gift, the gift of You! And then again, you might get a few challenges to address.  Not everyone will agree. Diversity is a wonderful thing, and often ruffles our feathers(parrot feathers?) to perhaps make us consider thinking a little differently. It can be uncomfortable. And it doesn't necessarily mean someone doesn't like us if they see things differently. We all have our own filters and perspectives.  And, we are all mirrors for each other if we are looking. Of course this is not just limited to facebook postings.  You know that, right?  Sure, we often learn by imitating and copying our mentors and those who have set the standards.  But real leadership and great teachers are those who have acknowledged their mentors, then found their own way, used their own natural gifts, lived life from their hearts and inspired others to do the same. Please note that I am not saying to not share and relate those things that resonate with us, and align with who we are.  That goes hand in hand with our being who we are, choosing to encourage others with either our own words or someone who already nailed it for us.  My point here is to just encourage you to be more of you more of the time. It has been said that what we give or perhaps what we choose to post on facebook or other social media is what we ourselves most need to hear first of all!  Hmmm ....

The Dalai Lama reminded us that we need to be more of our authentic selves in order to be healed and at peace within ourselves, in order to bring that peace and harmony to the world. ( I guess I just did that parrot thing again....) I encourage you to be more you and less of someone else and *their* words.  The world needs YOU to be you.  Like Dr. Seuss said,
Be the best you that you can be and not somebody else.  Everybody else is already taken.  (or something like that :) )  Be Who You Are.  Yes, we learn from others. Yes, we quote the words of the sages and the gifted and the teachers. But if that is ALL that we do, we give nothing of the uniquely beautiful gift of ourselves.  Do you see what I am saying?

Or like my friend said, "Stop being a parrot...."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween energy

For a number of years now I have had the recurring thought about the energy of Halloween.  I know it can be a fun, dress up like somebody you're not or somebody or some thing you would "like" to be, a gathering of treats for the sugar addicts of all ages, and a chance to scare or be scared.  This adoration and emulation of the energy of zombies, vampires, murderers, and vengeful creatures is just for fun, right?  Cute little goblins and witches and fairy tale princesses and dragon slayers and cartoon characters... nothing wrong with that, right? Dressing yourself or your child like a demon, a devil, a vampire, a werewolf, a machete wielding murderer or death row inmate....harmless!  All in fun, right?'s where I part company with many.  I mean especially those of us who say we are healers...lightworkers...proclaimers of promoting higher energies and a better world of peace and love and health.

If you really are that, and you really do want to do your part in making the world a better place, then why would you participate in such activities, even under the guise of "fun?"  There is so much goodness and beauty in the month of October or any month for that matter, so why expend energy promulgating the dark side?  Why make it seem okay and fun to partake of energy that is very far removed from the Light?  Why engage in any activity that celebrates fear and evil?

I am asking you to think about it.  There are ways to indulge in Halloween that don't have to glorify murder, killings, demonic activity, fear and horror.  And while I'm on the soapbox, if you're into healthy living, why would you pass out sugar-laden treats let alone eat them yourself?  Integrity.  Authenticity.  *sigh* Yes, it's possible even at Halloween.  And, yes...we can agree to disagree.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sound Sleep

We had a marvelous, filled to capacity turnout for our Sound Therapy Workshop last evening. The room was filled to capacity not only with some pretty fabulous, bright and caring people, but also with delicious sound!  Participants came to learn about sound for health and healing.  Besides myself, our presenters were long-time musician, businessman and sound explorer RA Campbell; Quantum Physicist, Healer and Performer Narayan; and scientist, healer and Himalayan Bowl practitioner Kathleen Baker.  Attendees learned what sound therapy is and what it is not, the science and art of it, how to use a number of the modern and ancient tools including our voices, Himalayan (Tibetan) and crystal bowls, ting-shas, tuning forks, bells, drums, and gongs to name a few. The evening concluded with a mini sound immersion utilizing mostly the bowls. 

Abundant positive comments from those present followed the meeting and continued to be received either in emails or facebook posts today.  The most common comment was how well quite a number of people slept last night.  Talk about sound sleep!  Gives the phrase a deeper meaning.  So as I was replying to some of these comments today, the first song that popped into my head was "Mr. Sandman," and the second one was "I'll See You In My Dreams."  That started my creative brain energy into a whole list...Sweet Dreams, Wake Up Little Susie, All I Have to Do Is Dream, Sleep Walk, In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning and the old hymn Wonderful Peace. 

What do all those songs have to do with sound and healing?  I can only say that with sound being the energy of creation, it caused my mind to bring forth all kinds of memories of songs that deal with our sleeping state.
That, in turn, made me think of how good it is to have good memories and good dreams and good music.  I certainly have an abundance of those in my life.  It's Magic.  Magikal.
(Written originally three years ago)

Somebody's Waiting to Hear From You

Who is waiting to hear from you?  Come on, think about it.  Listen to that still, small voice.  There is somebody who would benefit from what you have to say.  There is somebody you're not saying something to because of what?  Your pride? Your chip on the shoulder?  Your fear?  Do you owe an apology to somebody? Repair the damage you caused whether intentional or not, but you know you played a part. Is there someone you simply need to encourage and say, "good job!"  Do it. Step out of judgment and see only the good.  Tell them you appreciate them.  Tell them you love them.  If you cannot say it, then at least write it to them.  I guarantee you, somebody is waiting to hear from you.  And I bet you know who it is now that you've read this.  There is an opening awaiting your words.... an opening in somebody's heart.