Saturday, March 3, 2012

Life or Death decision

It has taken another friend's blog to get me to write in my own blog after waaay too long.  My friend is faced with a life or death decision, literally.  And more specifically it comes down to what kind of life or what kind of death she prefers.  Yeah, we all prefer to live healthy, live long and prosper, and then die peacefully in our sleep knowing we have not left one thing unsaid or undone.  Anyway, her writing got me thinking more about my writing.  I seem to have one recurring admonition from my heart the past two years, and that is to keep writing.  Writing, in whatever form, is now proven by "them" to be healthy for us whether as journaling(we used to call this "dear diary" when I was a kid) or writing poetry, our life stories or fictional stuff.  A lengthy session with a numerologist, a detailed session with an astrologer, and several encouraging emails and actual hand-written notes from students and friends over the past six months have specifically encouraged me to write, write, write.  Heck, even in our little writer's support group, fellow writers have encouraged me and been quite kind in critiquing my essays, poems and flash fiction.  And, that brings me back to my friend I mentioned.  She, too, has been writing for some time.  We have all been encouraging her to get published or to at least start a blog or write more in her notes on her facebook page. Just do it! Anything!  Finally she is doing it, and I am believing it will be one of the best things she could do for her health at this difficult time...not just the writing, but sharing it with a lot more people.  What will it take for you, dear reader, to step out and share that one unshared gift with the rest of us?  How much longer will you delay?  How many excuses will you use to keep you from doing it?  Is it the fear or self-discipline or lack of knowledge ?  Mostly I write these questions for my own benefit, you see.  Looking in the mirror.  What a gift my friend has given in choosing to step out and write about the biggest and most difficult decision of her life.  Thank you, Georgianna.  I wish for you many more years of sharing your gifts, whatever decision you make. And may we all have the courage and wisdom to do what we must.

Georgie's blog and facebook page have the same title: How To Make Hash Out of Your Life (her original book is a recipe book/autobiography combined!)  is her blog link.

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